We are Brave New Day

We are Brave New Day

We are Brave New Day




Advocating for the advocates.
Advocating for the advocates.
Advocating for the advocates.
The three-member board of Washington’s Utilities and Transportation Commission serves as a keen watchdog to make sure rates are fair and equitable, and that industries operate in a safe, reliable, and transparent manner.
The three-member board of Washington’s Utilities and Transportation Commission serves as a keen watchdog to make sure rates are fair and equitable, and that industries operate in a safe, reliable, and transparent manner.
The three-member board of Washington’s Utilities and Transportation Commission serves as a keen watchdog to make sure rates are fair and equitable, and that industries operate in a safe, reliable, and transparent manner.

Brand Strategy

Voice + Messaging

Brand Design

Brand Strategy

Voice + Messaging

Brand Design

Brand Strategy

Voice + Messaging

Brand Design


Washington UTC

Evoking respect, integrity, and accountability, the UTC’s brand quickly and easily expresses a sense of strict values and professionalism. This is a commission built of inherent optimism and integrity, holding firm to the belief that profit can come while also being safe, fair, and equitable—with a shared responsibility to the community. Clean, clear, and sophisticated, the UTC’s defining mark becomes the centerpiece of a recognizable, attractive, modern brand.

Brand guidelines for Washington State Utilities Commission new brand
Logo design for departments at Washington State Untilites Commission
Logo design for departments at Washington State Untilites Commission
stock photo of power lines reflected in water
stock photo of power lines reflected in water
stock photo of Seattle Washington
stock photo of Seattle Washington
collateral design for washington state utilities commission
collateral design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design for washington state utilities commission
brand guidelines for washington state utilities commission
brand guidelines for washington state utilities commission
brand guidelines for washington state utilities commission
support imagery for Washington State Utilities Commission new brand
support imagery for Washington State Utilities Commission new brand
support imagery for Washington State Utilities Commission new brand
graphic design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design and brand design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design and brand design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design and brand design for washington state utilities commission
graphic design and brand design for washington state utilities commission

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New logo for Island County transit system
vehicle wrap brand design for portland streetcar
Graphic design for mapbox map  detail

©2024 Brave New Day

©2024 Brave New Day

©2024 Brave New Day